Priti Chheda

Numerologist | Graphologist

Know us!

Mrs. Priti Chheda is the founder of ‘Mystique Vibes’ based in Mumbai. She graduated from Mumbai University in 1995. Being a housewife, she started with Numerology as a hobby. It soon became her passion & a driving force. Her vision is to make a subtle difference in people’s life using Numerology.

Along with Numerology, Priti is also proficient in Graphology. According to Priti’s experience, a unique blend of Numerology combined with Graphology helps providing more precise reading for the clients.

Mrs. Priti Chheda, Numerology Expert. Currently, Member at BNI Prosperity, Mumbai.

How can we help you?

Numerology Consultation

Numerology consultation includes a one to one conversation with our expert either in person or on video conferencing technology.

Numerology Training

Numerology Training is structured and bifurcated into two stages, Foundational and Professional.

Other Services

Other Services like Visiting Card/Logo Analysis, Graphology Analysis, Signature Analysis & Re-designing, Tarot Card Reading.

"Destiny cannot be changed but we can help you shape it better!"


Why choose us?

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Years of experience
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Birthdates Analysed
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Individuals trained

Numerology Consultation

Numerology Training

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